APC3 plans to include the following excursions in Thailand before and after the conference. More information and update will be announced in the next circular.
Pre-conference fieldtrip –
Route 1 Satun UNESCO Global Geopark (5 days): Fossiliferous Cambrian to Devonian. Includes Tarutao Island, the oldest sediments sequence and fossils of Thailand.
Route 2 Phuket – Krabi (5 days): Glacimarine peri-Gondwana Permian sediments to post-glacial carbonates and fossils.
Route 3 Sakaeo – Sisophon – Siem Reap (5 days): Paleozoic-Mesozoic sequences of eastern Thailand and candidate of Geopark, Siem Reap (Angkor Wat, Kulen Mt. National Park)
Post-conference fieldtrip –
Route 4 Khon Kaen – Kalasin (4 days): Mesozoic terrestrial sequences and fossils. Khon Kaen, Mahasarakham and Kalasin.
Route 5 Khorat UNESCO Global Geopark (4 days): Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossils and culturals.
Route 6 Lampang-Chiang Mai (5 days): Significant geology and fossils of the northern Thailand.