

WHERE ?       : Bangkok, Thailand

WHEN ?         : 2nd – 5th  March 2027

THEME           : Palaeontology for All… Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

Lead organizer : Palaeontological Research and Education Centre, Mahasarakham University

Thailand – LAND of FOSSILS

Thailand has a long and tumultuous geological history ranging from the Cambrian to the Cenozoic with changing terrane affinities, interesting biogeographic shifts and remarkable climatic changes. Important terrestrial fossil localities have been found in northeastern Thailand where a host of dinosaurs and other Mesozoic fossils have been described. Elsewhere Permian limestones have revealed cold-water to tropical faunas recording the drift of the Sibumasu Terrane from Gondwana and fusion with the tropical Indochina Terrane. In the south, abundant Cambrian to Devonian marine faunas reveal fascinating changing climates and biogeographic links. Important Cenozoic terrestrial fossils including abundant proboscideans, chelonians, fishes, plants and insects are found in north-eastern and central Thailand. Research is ongoing with many Thai palaeontologists cooperating with American, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Malaysian and European colleagues.

These fossil localities will be explored in several pre- and post-conference excursions which will take delegates throughout Thailand including the south (Cambrian to Permian), west (Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Permian), northeast Mesozoic and Cenozoic), north (Silurian-Devonian and Permian) and central (Cenozoic and Permian) parts of the country.